Audience: Teacher

S2|E8: Reflecting on Catalyst with Ross Fox

In this episode I chat with Ross Fox, director of Catholic Education Canberra Goulburn, about his reflections on Catalyst from the last 4 years. After 8 years with CECG, he is stepping away from the role of Director to explore other opportunities. In our episode today we hear about Ross’ reflections about Catalyst, including its effectiveness, implementation and vision. We hear about:

  • His greatest achievement in the Catalyst space
  • Where he would like to see Catalyst in 5 years time
  • What he hopes for the future of HITP
  • What’s next for him on the horizon
  • The use of time to be as effective and efficient as possible in schools

S2|E7: Implementing, Scaling & Embedding Catalyst with Erin White and Lisa Buckland

In this episode we learn about how the leadership team at St Mary Mackillop Catholic College in Canberra successfully implemented the components of Catalyst and scaled up for a two-campus school with over 2000 students. Erin White and Lisa Buckland share with us their insights about how they started their Catalyst journey and the importance of this work in the Secondary context, discussing what worked well and some of the challenges they faced along the way. We learn about where they prioritised, invested their time, supports and resources and how they keep momentum with over 200 staff. Everything shared has relevance for all school contexts, making this an interesting episode for all. 

S2|E6: English and Mathematics Primary Curriculum with Gillian Forrester and Jamie Kemp

In this episode Catholic Education Canberra Goulburn (CECG) Teaching and Learning Officers, Jamie Kemp and Gillian Forrester, talk about CECG’s Primary Mathematics and English curriculum and how to effectively implement the lessons and use the accompanying resources. They answer some frequently asked questions about the CECG Mathematics and English materials and outline the importance of a low variance, knowledge rich curriculum.

Catalyst Knowledge Pack 3.0

This curated collection of articles, podcasts, and webinars have been designed to deepen your understanding of the 8 Big Ideas and continue to improve education across the system.

S2|E4: High Impact Teaching Practice with Ingrid Sealey

In this episode I chat with Ingrid Sealy, Director and founder of TeachWell. Ingrid brings to light many aspects of High Impact Teaching Practice (HITP). Her wealth of knowledge and experience is extensive in this area. Ingrid is a HITP instructional coach working with some of our schools through the Catalyst program. We discuss the following:

  • How TeachWell is supporting CECG
  • How teachers can use videoing to improve instructional practice, and why it is so effective
  • The most effective instructional strategies for teaching
  • The type of reviews and how their importance
  • The number one thing that leaders can do to improve instructional practice in schools
  • How HITP practices allow students to take ownership (agency) in their learning

Ingrid references the following people, websites, organisations and readings:

S2|E2: Direct Instruction with Jessica Colleu Terradas

In this episode Jessica explains the difference between ‘big’ DI and ‘little’ di. She delves into the research behind Direct Instruction, dispelling the myths about DI. Jessica lists its key instructional features and talks about what makes a Direct Instruction program effective. We hear about her Churchill Fellowship research and about the time when she met with Engelmann’s sons. Jessica refers to many podcasts, books and research in this episode, which are listed below.

Resources and References mentioned during the episode:

  1. Clear teaching. With Direct Instruction, Siegfried Engelmann discovered a better way of teaching. Written by the American journalist Shepard Barbash in 2012, here
  2. The podcast ‘Progressively Incorrect’ Season 2 Episode 21 with Marcy Stein
  3. The podcast ‘Teachers change lives’ led by fellow Sharyn Angel (also CogLearn coach for CECG) who interviewed Engelmann’s twin sons during Jessica’s visit to the DI conference last July:
  1. The official website of the National Institute For Direct Instruction
  2. One of Engelmann’s best-selling book: teach your child to read in 100 easy lessons (resource for parents) here This is a complete, step-by-step program that shows parents simply and clearly how to teach their children to read in 20 minutes a day.
  3. The theory of instruction: Principles and Applications by Engelmann and Carnine here. 400 pages to read if you wish to become an expert in designing DI programs/sequences.
  4. War against the schools’ academic child abuse where Zig declares war upon educational practices and systems that fail our students. here

S1|E7: HITP and Student Voice with Natalie Fairfax

in this episode Natalie Fairfax, Head the International Baccalaureate program at Merici College in Braddon, Canberra, shares the student engagement she has seen as a result of High Impact Teaching Practice.

Throughout this episode, you’ll hear students reflecting on 

  • How the change in pedagogy to HITP has positively impacted their learning and engagement, including the use of whiteboards, picking non-volunteers with paddle pop sticks and decks of playing cards
  • Their observations of their peers in lessons 
  • The use of Learning Intentions 
  • How HITP has improved their preparation for exams 

Natalie also explains how she developed a common vocabulary glossary to support teachers and students in connecting with the curriculum. 

S1|E6: Learning about Catalyst featuring Maggie Lloyd

In this episode we speak with Maggie Lloyd, Assistant Principal at St Monica’s Primary School, Evatt ACT. Maggie talks about her inspiration to learn more about the Science of Learning, the Science of Reading and High Impact Teaching Practices. Listed below are some of the literature that Maggie mentions in this episode. This is a great listen for those who’d like to refresh their knowledge of Catalyst or for those who are learning more about the aspects of Catalyst. 


  • Why Knowledges Matters – E.D. Hirsch Jr 
  • Explicit Direct Instruction – Hollingsworth, J. R. and Ybarra, S. E. 
  • Cognitive Load Theory in Action – Lovell, O., Sweller, J., Caviglioli, O. 
  • How we understand concepts better – Sweller, J. 
  • The Knowledge Gap – Wexler, N. 
  • Rosenshines Principles in Action – Sherrington, T. 
  • Make it Stick – Roediger III, H. L., McDaniel, M. A. and Brown, P. C. 
