Catalyst featured in Catholic Leaders’ Day
The Catalyst team were delighted to host a workshop on Catholic Leaders’ Day for all Principals across the Archdiocese to discuss progress and share key learnings from 2021, and the direction the program will take in 2022. Catholic Leaders’ Day occurs twice a year, bringing together every Principal from every school to share their experiences and build common knowledge.

Catholic Education Canberra & Goulburn (CECG) director Ross Fox commenced the day with an enlightening keynote presentation on the Five-Year Strategic Plan, followed by time for Principals to consider the plan’s objectives and how it may impact their schools.
Principals then chose to attend three sessions on a variety of topics that impact their school and the system. The Catalyst session was attended by almost every Principal, cementing its importance in our school’s agenda and the focus we have as a system on teaching and learning as our core purpose.
The Catalyst workshop provided Principals with the opportunity to reflect on the year, celebrate success, share learnings from their school’s journey of both positive impact and areas of challenge. Principals reviewed feedback from teachers who had participated in the program in 2021 and discussed ways to build momentum and address challenges.
CECG Education Lead, Patrick Ellis said the Principal’s role leading Catalyst is critical.
“They are our biggest advocates. They will help us as we move from learning about the Science of Learning, to implementing it in each and every one of our classrooms.”
St Bernard’s Bateman Bay Primary School Principal Johanna Wain said Catalyst provided her with the knowledge and resources she needs to lead teaching and learning at her school.
“My knowledge in the Science of Learning has grown since we embarked on the Catalyst journey, and I can see the benefits that the research is talking about, in my school.”
Conversations and feedback from Principals provided on Catholic Leaders’ Day help us to meet the needs of our schools to enable exceptional learning experiences for both students in the classroom, and teachers in their professional learning.
To learn more about your schools Catalyst journey, speak with your Principal or contact the Catalyst team.